All On Farm Market

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On Farm Markets sell their goods directly to the consumer from the farm. There are more than 1400 on-farm Markets in the United States. On farm markets provide their local communities with fresh fruits and vegetables usually at a cheaper price than your local super market. According to the USDA the following types of products are available at US on-farm Markets.

Products offered

Baked goods, Cheese and/or dairy products, Crafts and/or woodworking items, Cut flowers, Eggs, Fish and/or seafood, Fresh and/or dried herbs, Fresh vegetables, Honey, Canned or preserved fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, Maple syrup and/or maple products, Meat, Nuts, Plants in containers, Poultry, Prepared foods (for immediate consumption), Soap and/or body care products, Trees, shrubs, Wine, beer, hard cider, Coffee and or tea, Dry beans, Fresh fruits, Grains and or flour, Juices and or non-alcoholic ciders, Mushrooms, Pet food, Tofu and or non-animal protein, Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.

Find On Farm Markets Near You

On Farm Markets sell their goods directly to the consumer from the farm. There are more than 1400 on-farm Markets in the United States. On farm markets provide their local communities with fresh fruits and vegetables usually at a cheaper price than your local super market. According to the USDA the following types of products are available at US on-farm Markets.

Products offered

Baked goods, Cheese and/or dairy products, Crafts and/or woodworking items, Cut flowers, Eggs, Fish and/or seafood, Fresh and/or dried herbs, Fresh vegetables, Honey, Canned or preserved fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, Maple syrup and/or maple products, Meat, Nuts, Plants in containers, Poultry, Prepared foods (for immediate consumption), Soap and/or body care products, Trees, shrubs, Wine, beer, hard cider, Coffee and or tea, Dry beans, Fresh fruits, Grains and or flour, Juices and or non-alcoholic ciders, Mushrooms, Pet food, Tofu and or non-animal protein, Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.

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    Benton Family Farm

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    Berkey’s Blueberries

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    Beemerville Orchard

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    Bee Berry Farm

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    Bee Sweet Berry Farm

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    Beeappy Farm

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    Baumhoefeners Red Barn Market

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    Beach View Farms

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    Beagle Ridge Herb Farm

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    Beasley Farm of Brooksville

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    Beau Chemin Preservation Farm

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    Beccari’s Farm Market