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On Farm Markets sell their goods directly to the consumer from the farm. There are more than 1400 on-farm Markets in the United States. On farm markets provide their local communities with fresh fruits and vegetables usually at a cheaper price than your local super market. According to the USDA the following types of products are available at US on-farm Markets.
Products offered
Baked goods, Cheese and/or dairy products, Crafts and/or woodworking items, Cut flowers, Eggs, Fish and/or seafood, Fresh and/or dried herbs, Fresh vegetables, Honey, Canned or preserved fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, Maple syrup and/or maple products, Meat, Nuts, Plants in containers, Poultry, Prepared foods (for immediate consumption), Soap and/or body care products, Trees, shrubs, Wine, beer, hard cider, Coffee and or tea, Dry beans, Fresh fruits, Grains and or flour, Juices and or non-alcoholic ciders, Mushrooms, Pet food, Tofu and or non-animal protein, Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.